Public Notice Regarding Derek Jones

A Hearing of the Discipline Committee of the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers was held on August 27, 2024, to hear and determine two Complaints against Derek Jones alleging professional misconduct.

By Voluntary Submission, Mr. Jones admitted to the following which he acknowledges constitutes professional misconduct:

a)     He failed to maintain appropriate professional boundaries with a client;

b)     He engaged in inappropriate communication by exchanging Facebook messages with the client of a sexual nature;

c)     He engaged in telephone conversations with the client outside of the professional relationship;

d)     He engaged in a romantic and sexual relationship with the client;

e)     He purchased items for the client during the holidays and special occasions; and

f)      He met the client in the community and met the client’s family member.

Following a determination that the Respondent was guilty of professional misconduct, the Discipline Committee imposed the following discipline sanctions:

  1. Revocation of the Respondent’s right to practise the profession of social work;
  2. Written reprimand to be placed in the Respondent’s file for an unlimited period of time;
  3. Payment of a fine of $5,000.00;
  4. Payment of cost of $5,000.00;
  5. One assignment in the form of continuing education;
  6. A summary of this matter will be provided to social work regulating bodies; and
  7. A summary and publication of the proceeding with names for the education of the membership.