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Walking Through Grief - Helping Others Deal with Loss

Apr. 27 — 28, 2020 All Day

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This is a live virtual event using Zoom, an online meeting platform. Please check system requirements prior to registering.

Every person will experience grief and loss – a profound sense of final separation from something or someone important. Grief is a normal and appropriate reaction to the death of a loved one, the experience of separation/divorce, intergenerational loss, or the loss of opportunity. While there are similarities in how individuals work through loss, grief is a complicated and unique experience that requires helpers to be sensitive to the needs and experiences of those they are supporting. This workshop is designed to give helpers an increased awareness of the dynamics of grief, and to provide tools and strategies to best support someone who is grieving. Cultural and popular understandings of grief and loss, and the influences these have on how we experience and work with grief will be explored.
