Pursue a Social Work Career
Social workers have a university-level education in social work, with the minimum education being a Bachelor of Social Work from an accredited university program. Many social workers also hold a Masters-level social work education. Social workers are professionals that work with clients, families, groups, and communities to improve psychosocial well-being to allow clients to reach optimal psychosocial functioning. As professionals, social workers are responsible for interpreting information and making complex decisions based on their broad-based knowledge and experience.
Pursue a Social Work Technician Career
Social work technicians have college-level education from a recognized social work technician program. Social work technician training provides a solid foundation and pathway for continued studies in social work. Technicians work with clients, families, groups, and communities and perform hands-on interventions aimed at improving social well-being to allow clients to reach optimal social functioning. As paraprofessionals, certain tasks must be done with case oversight from a social worker or other licensed professional.